md - appelsap review from

Note the attractive yet totally illegible cover art... I had to go the the Merck website to find out what the name of the artist and disc were. Not much info there I don't know much about md, but appelsap leaves a the aural equivalent of a sweet aftertaste in my ears... inventive abstractions are pinned by delicious beatronics; very little low-end keeps everything light and crispy. Shifty little blits of electronic percussion sputter over an ethereal blend of lightly warbling radiation, faint disembodied voices and off-kilter tunefulness; 1 displays an intriguing balance between activity and ethereality. Traces of that piece segue into a more-abstract 43-second 2nd track. 3's spooky groove threads through a glitchy beatsystem; unidentifiable spoken phrases are chopped up and stirred into the dense-then-spacious mix. Like dance music for androids (and discerning humans), the determined rhythm of 4 pops and sweeps over obtusely perky synth riffles. With crunchy beats, 5's hypnotic robofunk stutters as crystalline strands turn and chime in a whispery dreamworld. Loosely hazy 7 is soon pelted by energized rhythmics, emitting occasional tone-blurts all the while. A robotic rendition of "bicycle built for two" is interspersed into the short 10th track... is that HAL? It is 2001, after all. Prettily scattered pinpoints of sound flow through 11, forming a gauzey shimmer buoyed by smoothly digitized drumming. 9 Tracks 12 through 17 are various equally appealling remixes from the likes of ilkae, thug, frank & bill, xhale, crankshaft, and brothomstates including a strangely lilting (and more fully-realized) "bicycle built for two". Plenty of mystery surrounds md's appelsap, but the music clarifies itself even in its most gloriously hard-to-define state. Shimmery, glimmery and quite-musical currents are charged with saucy syncopation. Mmmmmmmmm.

md - appelsap review from

Musiken är hemlighetsfull. Små klick, prassel, pip och rassel, i början ytterst försiktigt utspridda, vävs ihop och ställs på led och skapar till slut en väldigt suggestiv stämning. Korta röstslingor klipps upp i småbitar och viskar små sinistra uppmaningar.
De 17 spåren skiftar karaktär mellan knastrande bakgrundssurr och svängig TV-spelsfunk. Det är som om MD hade tagit en låda full med pusselbitar, skakat den och sedan fått alla bitar att falla på rätt plats. Man upphör aldrig att förvånas av hur mycket han kan uppnå med så enkla medel. Appelsap är som origami. Intrikat men byggd av ett anspråkslöst material.
Skivan går, så vitt jag vet, inte att få tag på i Sverige, men du kan höra de elva första låtarna på Internet. Adressen är Där finns dock inte de sex remixarna, däribland två otroligt vackra bidrag av Crankshaft och Brothomstates.
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